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Students from 82nd Primary School "Vasil Aprilov" visited TechnoMagicLand.


Students from 82nd Primary School "Vasil Aprilov" visited TechnoMagicLand.

Students from the early grades of 82nd Primary School "Vasil Aprilov" visited TechnoMagicLand. They had the opportunity to enjoy the exhibition at the interactive center through an innovative experience in the world of science and technology.

They expanded their knowledge and gained new ones in various fields of science, managing to observe and try out various scientific and technological experiments themselves. Each of them had the chance to find themselves in a giant soap bubble or see themselves as an astronaut.

To conclude their adventure, the students witnessed an exciting demonstration through which they learned about the necessary components for igniting fire and how they could create fire using various chemical elements in interesting forms and colors. They gained new knowledge in the field of chemistry and had fun witnessing impressive experiments.